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Ad-Comm Group “Whitebookâ€Â: Cross-Marketing Platform for Luxury Brands in Japan Essay
1. What is a Whitebook? What role(s) does it play in the Marketing system of Ad-comm’s customer organizations? Answers 15 lines most ...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Deathwatch--literary analysis essays
Deathwatchliterary analysis essays In Robb Whites novel, Deathwatch, the author develops a theme of survival through the character of Ben. By examining Bens actions we can learn how people use instinct and creativity to survive in severe situations. After escaping from Madec in the hot, dry, desert with no clothes, shoes or water, Ben not only finds ways to survive the hunt; he also finds ways to survive the harsh desert elements. Ben does many things while stranded in the desert that contribute to his survival. One important thing Ben does in the desert to help him survive is when he covers his feet with nests to ease the pain of walking on the stones of the desert. Even though this was a painful process, once his feet were inside the nests the pain eased and, when he stood up, he know that, with just that much protection from the stones, he could go ahead. (77). Ben collected more nests, knowing they were brittle and would not last long, and carried them with him for future use. This action proves that Ben was planning ahead to guarantee his survival. This action by Ben also demonstrates his creativity and determination to survive. The author gives his readers a visual of how hard it is to survive in these elements when he explains how individuals can only survive for 48 hours without water and when they do get water, drinking one quart is only equal to one additional hour of survival. Bens actions illustrate the extreme measures people will go to to survive when he tries to get water. He finds a puddle of dirty water that had bird droppings caked to the floor and drank it. To the reader, this sounds horrid and one may think they would never do that under any circumstances, but to Ben, because of the situation he was in and because he was determined to survive, he drank the water and it tasted delicious. He knew that he needed this water to keep going and he was able to look past how dirty it was and see it more as a too...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Georgian Speekle - A Giant Isopod
Georgian Speekle - A Giant Isopod The Georgian speekle is the name given to a giant isopod that was found in the state of Georgia in the United States. Photos of the monstrous-looking creature went viral on the internet, leading to comments like Fake! and Photoshop. However, the animal really does exist and yes, it really is over a foot long. Is an Isopod a Bug? No, the Georgian speekle is not an insect or a bug. One defining characteristic of an insect is that it has six legs. The speekle has many more than six appendages. A bug, on the other hand, belongs to the order Hemiptera and mostly resembles an insect, except it has hardened wings and sucking and piercing mouthparts. The speekle is a type of isopod. Isopods dont have wings, nor do they bite like bugs. While insects, bugs, and isopods are all types of arthropods, they are in separate groups. An isopod is a type of crustacean, related to crabs and lobsters. Its closest land relatives are pill bugs or the common woodlouse. Of the 20 or so species of isopods, the largest is the giant isopod Bathynomus giganteus. How Big Is the Giant Isopod? While B. giganteus is an example of marine gigantism, its not particularly huge. Its not on the order of, say, a giant squid. A typical isopod is around 5 centimeters long (about 2 inches). An adult B. giganteus can be 17 to 50 centimeters (6.7 to 19.7 inches) long. While thats large enough to look scary, the isopod doesnt pose a threat to people or pets. Giant Isopod Facts B. giganteus lives in deep water, off the coast of Georgia (USA) to Brazil in the Atlantic, including the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. Three other species of giant isopods are found in the Indo-Pacific, but none have been found in the East Pacific or East Atlantic. Because its habitat is largely unexplored, additional species may await discovery. Like other types of arthropods, isopods molt their chitin exoskeletons as they grow. They reproduce by laying eggs. Like other crustaceans, they have blue blood, which is really their circulatory fluid. The hemolymph is blue because it contains the copper-based pigment hemocyanin. Most photographs of isopods show them as gray or brown, but sometimes a sick animal appears blue. Although they look intimidating, isopods arent aggressive predators. Rather, they are opportunistic scavengers, mostly living on decaying organisms in the seas benthic zone. They have been observed eating carrion, as well as small fish and sponges. They use their four sets of jars to tear apart their food. Isopods have compound eyes that have over 4000 facets. Like cat eyes, isopod eyes feature a reflective layer at the back that reflects back light (the tapetum). This enhances their vision under dim conditions and also makes the eyes reflective if a light is shined on them. However, its dark in the depths, so isopods probably dont rely much on sight. Like shrimp, they use their antennae to explore their environment. The antennae house chemoreceptors which can be used to smell and taste molecules around them. Female isopods have a pouch called a marsupium that holds eggs until they are ready to hatch. Males have appendages called peenies and masculinae used transfer sperm to the female after she molts (when her shell is soft). Isopods have the largest eggs of any marine invertebrate, measuring about a centimeter or half an inch in length. Females bury themselves in sediment when they are brooding and stop eating. The eggs hatch into animals that look like their parents, except smaller and missing the last pair of legs. They gain the final appendages after they grow and molt. In addition to crawling along in the sediment, isopods are skillful swimmers. They can swim either right-side up or upside-down. Isopods in Captivity A few giant isopods have been kept in captivity. One specimen became famous because it wouldnt eat. This isopod appeared healthy, yet refused food for five years. It eventually died, but its unclear whether starvation is what killed it. Because isopods live on the sea floor, they can go a very long time before encountering a meal. Giant isopods at the Aquarium of the Pacific are fed dead mackerel. These isopods tend to eat four to ten times a year. When they eat, they gorge themselves to the point where they have trouble moving. Although the animals arent aggressive, they do bite. Handlers wear gloves when working with them. Like pillbugs, giant isopods curl up into a ball when threatened. This helps protective their vulnerable internal organs from attack. References Lowry, J. K. and Dempsey, K. (2006). The giant deep-sea scavenger genus Bathynomus (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cirolanidae) in the Indo-West Pacific. In: Richer de Forges, B. and Justone, J.-L. (eds.), Rà ©sultats des Compagnes Musortom, vol. 24. Mà ©moires du Musà ©um National d’Histoire Naturalle, Tome 193: 163–192. Gallagher, Jack (2013-02-26). Aquariums deep-sea isopod hasnt eaten for over four years. The Japan Times. retrieved 02/17/2017
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Hw 3-2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hw 3-2 - Essay Example Management, however, in other organizations, deal with organization, planning, staffing, leading and controlling a company. Barton’s trip to the bookstore and late night studying expounded his knowledge on IT. The materials, though educative, were confusing Barton. He got to learn just how the IT world is complicated (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 48). Barton understood now why there were so many layers of OSI cables. After reading the book, he also understood why the cables were so complicated. Barton’s meeting did not go as plan due to various reasons. First and foremost, people at the meeting did not welcome Barton’s proposal of an off-site company meeting. He did not expect anybody to reject his proposal. He also expected a quick acceptance and then a session of planning for his event (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 36). However, Barton was wrong. His thoughts were all in vain. For instance, Fenton made it clear that he did not fancy incorporating people such as John Cho in the off-site meeting and Gordon also supported him (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 36). Barton also did not expect the members at the meeting to make the situation of the company more badly than it was, but since they did not agree on anything matter went the way he did not expect. IT organizational structure is set the way it is because the overall business model for an IT organization comprises of lots of sections due to the complexity of the business itself. This is to make sure that all technological elements are dealt with in the company (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 48). An IT organization is structured the way it is because this complex structure tends to offer exceptional synergy as it offers many means of achieving organizational goals. IT is also connected directly to finance. Therefore, a CIO is a direct report to a CFO in an IT
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Contract and Event Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Contract and Event Management - Essay Example As such several a detailed analyses of the event, venue and budget should be prior to organizing the event. Both contract and event catering form different sectors of the hospitality industry. The word hospitality actually covers all aspects of the hotel and catering industry. It actually means that the guests and strangers be treated in a generous and friendly manner. Catering means offering of facilities to people, particularly the provision of food. Contract and Event Catering sector: Contract catering includes all services required to prepare and deliver meals to people working or living in different communities, public offices, private offices, schools, colleges etc. Whenever these services are deputed to a service provider, it is known as contract catering. In other words it is a legal agreement between the consumer and the caterer to supply food for a particular event or for a specified time. This ensures that better quality food is delivered to the consumer as the chefs understand the exact taste preferences of the consumer. Similarly, when service providers are hired to provide food for specific events like marriages, functions, get together(s) etc., it is known as event catering. The caterers are hired for events based on the menu that needs to be served to the guests. Event catering is a part of contract catering and event managers are hired to organize and plan the event as well as the menu. The menu is planned accordi ng to the taste of the guests as well as the event. The provision and consumption of alcohol must be carefully considered when organizing an event. Ineffective alcohol management, particularly irresponsible serving practices, can create risks for staff, event patrons and the public O’Sullivan & Longland (1999). There are mainly 3 types of event management, Services: the event contract should explicitly mention that what kind of services the event management body is going to offer during pre event, at the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Human history Essay Example for Free
Human history Essay Human history has witnessed numerous examples of wars. Our history has taught us that wars are unique by nature. Different philosophers at different times were trying to generate solid philosophical understandings of what war and strategy were. As a result, we possess sufficient theoretical basis for discussing the philosophical foundations of war, yet we have not been able to predict our military failures. After the end of WWII the world has finally taken a deep breath, and people were confident that violence would never enter their lives again. However, we are still surrounded by constant risks of war, and continue witnessing the acts of violence, and murders. Certainly, contemporary wars are completely different from those at the beginning of the 20th century: the development of the new weaponry types and communication technologies, have turned the simplest military actions into highly sophisticated acts. The war in Iraq has critically impacted the military balance in the world, and it is interesting to see, how Iraqi war would be explained through the prism of various philosophic works. Clausewitz: On War Carl von Clausewitz has written a well grounded research on the philosophy of war. His theoretical assumptions make it possible to distinguish philosophic implications of military actions. Having evaluated what war is, Clausewitz was able to create a general structure of war, and I think that his ideas are easily applied to the issues of the war in Iraq. â€Å"War is nothing but a duel on an extreme scale. If we would conceive as a unit the countless number of duels which make up a war, we shall do so best by supposing to ourselves two wrestlers. Each strives by physical force to compel the other to submit his will to his will: each endeavours to throw his adversary, and thus render him incapable of further resistance†(Clausewitz 1989, p. 4). Although, this Clausewitz’ definition is very objective, grounded, and universally applicable (any war implies the fight of several opponents for power), there are some amendments which should be made in terms of war in Iraq. It is difficult to admit, but it is true, that the war in Iraq is nothing more than the fight for power: Clausewitz does not distinguish whether this might be economic, social, or military power, or some other different aspect of political superiority. Clausewitz risks applying limited perspectives to discussing what war is. In the fight between the two wrestlers, only one of them initially seeks superiority. As a result, at the initial stage of war, only one of the opponents fights for power and superiority. Clausewitz supports this line stating that â€Å"two motives lead men to war: instinctive hostility and hostile intention. In our definition of war, we have chosen as its characteristic the latter of these elements, because it is the most general†. Has the U. S. started the war in Iraq with hostile intentions? Probably, it has. Many of us argue the fact that the U. S. military actions in Iraq were primarily aimed at promoting democracy in the country. To be objective, hardly any democracy can survive in the whirl of blood, murders, terrorist acts and violence caused by military actions. However, in the fight between Iraq and the U. S. Clausewitz seems to have neglected one essential stage of developing military actions: the first stage is the military intervention, and it hardly looks as the fight of the two wrestlers. On the contrary, its image is similar to unexpected blow on the side of the opponent to which another wrestler cannot stand and falls. The situation described by Clausewitz is actually the next stage of war. Iraq required certain period of time to gather it strength and to enter the war as an equal. At the stage when we started to receive the reports on murders and terrorist acts against American soldiers, one could suggest that the war has turned into the discussed fight. However, in this fight one of the opponents was trying to prove his superiority, while the other tried his best to defend the integrity of his physical territory and peace in the country. We cannot but agree with Clausewitz that war is never an isolated act, and it is never a separated single military blow. â€Å"War does not spring up suddenly, it does not spread to the full in a moment; each of the two opponents can, therefore, form an opinion of the other, in a great measure, from what he is and what he does, instead of judging of him according to what he, strictly speaking, should be or should do†(Clausewitz 1989, 5) The war in Iraq had long prehistory. The United States were continuously trying to defend their position in this military conflict. It was evident that the war was inevitable. As a result it is difficult to argue the position of Clausewitz. Actually, the work of Clausewitz seems to be very close to what we currently witness in Iraq. Of course, we do not know much as none of us has fortunately participated in this campaign. All we have at our disposal are news reports and other secondary information, but this secondary information allows analyzing the events in Iraq from the viewpoints of several philosophers. Clausewitz creates a philosophic picture of war. He implies that war does not change its face, and the structure of military actions and interactions remains unchanged, no matter at what historical period of our development a war may occur. This does not really matter, whether we use nuclear weapons or fight in the open sea – the war is always the utmost use of force, which does not break out of sudden, and which is the means of proving one’s superiority. Jablonski: Roots of Strategy In his work, David Jablonski has evaluated the works of the four theorists, as applied to military actions and military strategies. It is surprising, that Jablonski was able to avoid bias in his discussion. It is even more surprising, that the works of philosophers written at the beginning of the 20th century seem to have predicted the exact course of events during the war in Iraq. This, on the one hand, continues the line found in the work of Clausewitz: the essence of military actions remains unchanged through the centuries. On the other hand, Jablonski’s selection helps us understand WHY the U. S. was involved into the war in Iraq, and has actually initiated it. â€Å"In the United States our people have been slow to realize the changed conditions. Isolated as we have been from possible enemies, the people could see little chance for aggression by others. Separated as we are from Europe by the Atlantic, and from Asia by the Pacific which form most certain and tremendously strong defensive barriers, we seemed to be protected by the design of the Almighty. [†¦] The vulnerability of the whole country to aircraft as distinguished from the old conditions that obtained when the frontiers or the coast had to be penetrated before an invasion of the country could be made, has greatly interested the people of the nation†(Jablonski 1999, 452) What facts do we have in the war against Iraq? First, the U. S. has for long been isolated from others’ aggression. Even during WWII the U. S. was not directly involved into military actions. The terrorist acts of 2001 have been a tremendous shocking therapy to the whole American nation. The continuous isolation from the direct aggression has made the U. S. senseless towards possible military and terrorist threats. The image of the almighty nation was rather exaggerated, and the events of 9/11 have proved this assumption. The terrorist attacks had to attract the attention of the U. S. to its vulnerability and to eliminate the discussed senselessness, but the country has misinterpreted these events. The senselessness has turned into aggression against the states which were suspected in promoting terrorism (Iraq is in the top list of such ‘promoters’). As far as the United States has not experienced any acts of continuous aggression, which it could not stand, it has not fully realized the continuous effects of military actions brought into Iraqi land. In the introduction to his book, David Jablonski puts emphases on the most critical elements of war. â€Å"Modern military forces normally work in an environment in which the major dilemma is that of properly matching continuity and change. [†¦] the core attribute to such thinking is to imagine the future as it may be when it becomes the past – a thing of complex continuity. †Thus, planning continuity and looking at military actions through the prism of the past is the crucial element in making this strategy reasonable and justified. What are continuous impacts that the U. S. has caused onto the Iraqi population? These are economic defeat, and the need to restore all social and political structures of the country. It is still unclear whether the U. S. was able to promote democratic ideals in Iraq, but it is evident that it has failed to apply the principles of â€Å"continuity through the past†to planning the Iraqi military strategy. Jablonski states that the significance of the theoretical works he discussed in his book is in that they are presented in a structured manner, and can be easily understood and applied in practice. It seems that both the U. S. in its war in Iraq, and the terrorists in their 9/11 attacks have applied the principles discussed by Jablonski: â€Å"sometimes implicitly, more often explicitly, they created images of how aerial destruction of ‘vital centers’, could bring a nation to its knees. After all, there were the examples of mass panic on the home fronts and mutiny in the trenches during the recent war. †Similar to Clausewitz, who creates parallels between military actions and wrestling, Jablonski also underlines the importance of the sudden effect. Consequentially, we come to understanding an interesting military controversy: military campaigns cannot be sudden, but the â€Å"sudden effect†of aerial or other destruction often determines the success of the planned military campaign. These two elements are integral to the U. S. intervention to Iraq, too. Liddell-Hart: Strategy There are the two crucial elements which make Liddell-Hart’s view applicable to the war in Iraq: first, the author extensively researches the historical implications of specific military actions, and second, he does not expand his research to broader notions, but is rather concentrated on the ‘cause-effect’ research. His book is in many instances similar to that of Clausewitz. This is why the author is initially biased. In both works the reader meets identical philosophical parallels: â€Å"To move along the line of natural expectation consolidates the opponent’s balance and thus increases his resisting power. In war, as in wrestling, the attempt to throw the opponent without loosening his foothold and upsetting the balance results in self-exhaustion, increasing in disproportionate ration to the effective strain upon him. Success by such method only becomes possible through an immense margin of superior strength in some form – and, even so, tends to lose decisiveness. †(Liddell-Hart 1991, 5) In this citation, we find many elements which have already been found in other philosophical works: loosening foothold may be paralleled to the sudden aerial attacks, while moving along the line of natural expectation is similar to complying with the principles of continuity and thorough planning. Simultaneously, it is difficult to apply this statement to the military actions in Iraq. If the U. S. used Liddell-Hart’s philosophical implications in developing its strategy in Iraq, it would never apply the means of sudden attack against the Iraqi nation. People in Iraq would not know what means being bombed. As a result, the U. S. would risk losing its powerful positions. The philosophic perspective created by Liddell-Hart is hardly applicable to the war in Iraq or to any other military campaign in contemporary world. In addition, when Liddell-Hart speaks about morale in war, he represents its too idealistic image: the violence of American soldiers against Iraqi people eliminates any possibility to link morale to the war in Iraq. Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince â€Å"A prince ought to have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else for his study, than war and its rules and discipline; for this is the sole art that belongs to him who rules, and it is of such force that it not only upholds those who are born princes, but it often enables men to rise from a private station to that rank. †This is another aspect of the war in Iraq, described in the terms of Niccolo Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Prince†. As Hitler used the war to prove his superiority and to create the nation of Aryans, the U. S. seems to be in constant need to prove its superiority to other nations. Several recent decades have turned into the years of constant fight, in which the U. S. always positioned itself as the leading and powerful nation: Vietnam, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Yugoslavia, and finally, Iraq; who is going to be the next? Machiavelli makes special emphasis on the importance for the prince to understand and to possess the art of war: â€Å"a prince who does not understand the art of war, over and above other misfortunes already mentioned, cannot be respected by his soldiers, nor can he rely on them. †(Machiavelli, 2006) The best information and intelligence resources have been employed to develop a sound military strategy towards Iraq, yet the U. S. was not able to display a skilful approach towards Iraqi intervention. Numerous deaths of the American soldiers and their inability to find common language with the native population, whom they had to protect, suggest that the United States did not possess any sound military skills. Expectation of easy victory usually leads to easy failure. The war in Iraq has displayed the U. S. inability to analyze the world military history, about which Machiavelli speaks. The author refers to the importance for the prince to study the actions of illustrious men and to see how they behaved themselves during war. Being powerful does not mean being non-educated; being powerful means being skillful, reasonable, and objective. Military failures in Vietnam and Yugoslavia have not taught the U. S. any meaningful lessons. In distinction from Clausewitz, Liddell-Hart, and Jablonski, Machiavelli did not apply any historical perspectives to evaluating military strategies, but he was wise enough to emphasize the importance of historical lessons, and of the ability to properly evaluate these lessons. Peter Paret: Makers of Modern Strategy While Clausewitz applied the painting parallels to researching war, Paret has performed a profound research of several philosophic writings related to the topic of war. All authors he discussed in his book sought to answer several crucial questions: whether it was possible to evaluate war, whether it was a viable tool of foreign policy, and how ethical war was. Paret’s views are directly connected with the understanding of nuclear threats as applied to military strategies. Paret’s book is actually the selection of the major philosophic works and their evaluation. It seems that modern philosophers try to distance themselves from creating their own ideas about war, but prefer analyzing the ideas of others as applied to contemporary political and military environment. In the introduction to his book, Paret writes that â€Å"strategy is the use of armed force to achieve the military objectives and, by extension, the political purpose of the war. To those engaged in the direction and conduct of war, strategy has often appeared more simply, in Moltke’s phrase, as a system of expedients†Thus, war is initially the conjunction of political and military ideas. The war in Iraq is also the combination of political and military aims, but which of them prevails? In his book, Paret often cannot make a case. He states that Machiavelli lived during the time when warfare was unregulated and thus the relevance of his assumptions could decrease. However, who says that our warfare is regulated? Paret suggests that while Clausewitz supported the idea of war to be limited in time, goals, and strategies, there was no place to global military campaigns. Does this mean that local military conflicts similar to those in Iraq cannot expand beyond the geographical borders of the Iraqi nation? They can, and the conflict in Iraq has already stretched itself across the world. The war in Iraq has already turned into the political fight between the two opposing political camps, and the perspective of the global war has never been so close since the end of WWII. This is why it is difficult to understand the aim of Paret’s analysis. For the aims of objective military research, one should rather read the original works of philosophers, than their subjective interpretations made by contemporary authors. Sun Tzu: The Art of War â€Å"Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted. Therefore the clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy’s will to be imposed on him. [†¦] If we do not wish to fight, we can prevent the enemy from engaging us even though the lines of our encampment be merely traced out on the ground. All we need do is to throw something odd and unaccountable in his way†(Sun Tzu 1971, 24) The ideas of war produced by Sun Tzu, partially seem as odd as the instruments he offers to use if one does not want to fight. On the one hand, being first to the field also implies using ‘sudden’ tactics. On the other hand, what odd instruments could Iraqi people use to openly claim their desire not to start war with the U. S.? One should not repeat its tactics which had been successful earlier, but it should be regulated according to the constantly changing military environments. Moreover, using the tactics which has already proved to be a failure is a guaranteed double failure. The U. S. has not taken into account numerous important elements of an effective military strategy: being sudden does not always mean being successful. Aerial attacks make people fall to their knees, but do not break them completely. The U. S. develops a sound strategy of removing its military from the Iraqi territory. The aim is to turn retreat into a victory, which is virtually impossible. Until the U. S. is able to re-evaluate its defeats and tactics in previous military campaigns, it will have to be prepared to new military failures. Conclusion I think that each of the analyzed philosophers has something to say about the war in Iraq. Each of them discussed interesting elements of military strategy which could be applied to Iraqi military campaigns. Although certain views are limited, some risk being biased, and some cannot make the case at all, all of them deserve attention at least for having researched the question which we will hardly ever answer: What is War? It is never stable, it is always changeable, it always has a different face, and sometimes we even fail to recognize it from the start. One thing is evident: no matter how difficult a war can be, no excuses can justify our inability to fight well. BIBLIOGRAPHY Clausewitz, C. On War. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989. Jablonski, D. Roots of Strategy. Book 4. Merchanicsburg: Stackpole Books, 1999. Liddel-Hart, Basil H. Strategy: Second Revised Edition. New York: Meridian Books, 1991. Machiavelli, N. The Prince. The Project Gutenberg, 2006. Available from http://www. gutenberg. org/files/1232/1232-h/1232-h. htm Paret, P. , G. A. Craig F. Gilbert. Makers of Modern Strategy: From Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986. Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Translated by Samueal B. Griffith. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Agnostic Essays -- essays research papers
     I believe that I am agnostic because I don’t know what to think about religion. When it comes to saying whether I believe in God or not, I feel that I have not yet come to a complete understanding of God’s existence. This tends to be a vicious cycle which constantly runs through my head. Ever since I can remember, I was taught through my family and church that this being does exist, but as I grew older I began to question whether this almighty being really does exist. How can I believe that this being exists when every day I watch the news and hear of all the tragedy that is happening in the world.      I have been taught through my family and church that God is the creator and supreme ruler of the universe. They also taught me that he has set up certain guidelines or rules for which we must obey. These are commonly known as the ten commandments. We have been told that if we disobey these commandments , we will ultimately go to hell. Furthermore, if we follow these commandments, we will go to heaven and live in peace eternally. We all basically have the same perception of what Heaven and Hell are like. Heaven is commonly thought of as a utopia. A place which is soft, beautiful and peaceful. Where there is total peace and harmony. Where as Hell is known as being a prison for evil doers. Hell is supposed to be a dark, hot, and gloomy place with much misery. A persons worst nightmare. As I have gotten older, I...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Cry, the Beloved Country
Literary Elements by Paton In the last chapter of the novel Cry, The Beloved Country the author Alan Paton uses symbols, repetition, and tone shows disparity and hope in the main character, Kumalo in order to describe how the black men of south Africa must be able to adapt to their situations, or they may not make it out with their sanity. Throughout the passage in chapter 36, Paton often used tone to depict the stages of emotions Kumalo experienced while thinking about his son’s fate. Kumalo questions himself â€Å" Would [Absolam] be awake, would he be able to sleep, this night before the morning?He cried out, My son†(310). In this sentence, Kumalo wonders how his son will face his death the next morning and feels the same pain Absolam does. The anguish and concern Kumalo felt shows his way of coping with the terrible fate to meet his son the following morning. Kumalo not only worries about how his son is coping with his inevitable death, but cries out in desperation as if Absolam will be able to hear him and be comforted. In addition, in the final moments of the book, Kumalo looks â€Å"at the faint steady lightening in the east†(312). Kumalo is no longer afraid of his son’s future, embraces it and is at peace.His son’s execution placed Kumalo in a dark place where he was not familiar with, but at when dawn came and the sun rose the thing he feared was finally here and he accepted it so he could move on and his son could rest in peace. The tone in this sentence had a tone of hopefulness, as opposed to the tone of the rest of the passage that had a tone of despair and grief because the referral to the sun displayed optimism and feelings of not wanting to dwell in the past. However, Paton uses the tone shift in this passage to show Kumalo’s acceptance and adaption to reality and the things he could not change.Paton often used repetitive words relating to the darkness, light, and about the sun rising and setting. Thes e words all described how each village had to accept their situation before they could truly be at peace with themselves and the lives they live. For example, â€Å"The great valley of Umzimkulu is still in darkness, but the light will come there. â€Å" (312). In a literal interpretation, this simply describes how the sun slowly rises and shines on all the villages, but in the context of this passage, Paton depicts the darkness and the negativity some people of South Africa are stuck in.And as the sunlight shines over them, they will become rejuvenated and realize the beauty in living one more day despite the conditions they live in. In addition, Kumalo thought to himself that â€Å"The sun would rise soon after five, and it was then it was done†(310). The indication of the sun rising represents the end of the darkness of the night and then end of Kumalo’s dark thoughts throughout the night. Not only does it mean the end of Kumalo’s suffering, it means that the sun rise will end his son’s life by execution.It is also a metaphor for renewal throughout, the moment he feared most is over and done with and he can now rest easy. Furthermore, Paton’s use of tone in this passage also illustrates how Kumalo persisted through his darkest times and he eventually was able to pull through and hope his son the best, or the capability to acclimate to any situation. Paton illustrates ultimate hope and renewal at the end of the passage with the usage of symbols of the sun and the titihoya bird. For example, Kumalo professes that â€Å" when that dawn will come, of our emancipation, from the fear of bondage and the bondage of fear, why, that is a secret. (312). The dawn for Kumalo shows his son is freed from his life of sin and can now peacefully travel to the next world without worry. Not only is Absolam freed, Kumalo is free himself from the fear of his son further sinning and for his well being, as he is in God’s hands now. In addition, Kumalo says â€Å" Yes, it is the dawn that has come. The titihoya wakes from sleep, and goes about his work of forlorn crying. †(311). The bird the sun are intertwined, as the bird only wakes with the sun, and Kumalo and Absolam’s fate are forever connected no matter how far away they are from each other.Despite the grief Kumalo experiences, his usage of light and birds displays his acceptance of the future for himself and the end of his son’s. Kumalo’s adaptation to a terrible event in his life displays his ability to be optimistic and not live in the past. Overall, Kumalo went through a series of emotions and feelings that at the time seemed impossible to cope with. And with Paton’s usage of tone, symbols, and repetition, he showed Kumalo was greatly in tune with nature and his spiritual self. His adaption to reality geared himself to serenity when he let destiny lead the way.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Reporting Practices and Ethics Essay
Financial practices and ethics can play an important part of any organization including the health care environment. In order for the health care organization to be successful one must adopt an efficient financial practice and possess ethical standards. The management of finances for a health care organization may be a challenge for managers. This is why the health care manager will follow four basic elements for financial management. The basic elements include planning, controlling, organizing and directing, and decision making (Baker & Baker, 2011). Health Care Organizations have accounting principles generally acceptable and will comply with the financial practice and the practice of ethics to avoid fraud or abuse of the reporting practices. Elements of Financial Management Financial management has four basic elements, which assist the manager in making effective decisions for the health care organization. The first element of financial management is planning. The financial manager needs to identify the steps that he or she needs to take to accomplish the goals of the organization. However, first the manager must determine what the goal is for the organization and at that time determine what steps to follow to achieve the goal. The next element is controlling; a plan is in place that each area of the organization must follow. The financial manager must ensure that the areas are following such plans. The staff can view the current reports and make a comparison with reports from the past. In comparing previous and current reports the financial manager can see if an area in the organization needs more attention because the area may not be meeting its goals. The third element is organizing and directing. In organizing the financial manager must decide on what resources are best to use to be more effective. The manager must also determine how to use those resources effectively to reach the goal of the organization. In directing, the manager must provide supervision daily to run the organizing element efficiently. The final element is decision making. The manager must make decisions with the alternatives available such as information in the reports. Decision making should be side-by-side with planning, controlling, and organizing. When making a decision the manager must analyze and evaluate the information to make effective decisions (Baker & Baker, 2011). Acceptable Accounting Principles Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) provides guidelines to the company’s financial manager. The guidelines will cover the principles of accounting and practices. The generally accepted accounting principles guideline, guides the financial manager in the reporting and recording the financial information. For example, the financial manager will use the guidelines when preparing the financial statements such as the balance sheet. One health care organizations practice for releasing financial information will perform a practice of reconciliation in accounting. One organization reviews the balance sheets and makes them compatible as one. The next step is to determine the classification of each balance sheet such as high risk or low risk. The final step is the organization must decide a reporting schedule such as monthly or yearly. In knowing and understanding the documents and how to analyze the information this prevents an auditor from finding misstatements (Cox, Draa, 2008). Standard Financial Ethics Making an ethical decision is a requirement of health care managers. One must ensure the meeting of needs of individuals within the organization. Principles of ethics include fairness, justice, and professionalism. The organization possesses a code of ethics when interpreting the organizations transactions such as losses or assets. The Health Care Portability and Accountability Act help reduce abuse and fraud concerning finances whether it is deliberate or unintentional. Fraud and abuse is increasing because of the increase in the delivery of health care. Organizations take better actions in working toward the reduction of fraud and abuse. One way to do this is to develop a compliance program, which a financial manager will play a key role. Compliance programs allow a proper practice on reporting the financials, and comply with the ethical conduct standard by avoiding fraud and abuse (Hern, n.d. ). Conclusion For an organization to be successful it needs to ensure the following of the financial reporting practices and maintain a standard of conduct ethically. The organization should follow the basic elements of financial management. When an organization follows the steps in the correct order there is less of a chance the organization will receive an audit. As long as the organization follows the generally accepted accounting principles there is less chance of an audit, and less of a chance of fraud or abuse when reporting the finances. References. Baker, J. & Baker, R. (2011). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (3rd ed. ). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers Cox, B. , & Draa, M. (2008). Back to basics with account reconciliations. Business Finance, 14(6), 38-38. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/211076250? accountid=35812 Hern, W. (n. d. ). Corporate compliance is a necessity, not an option – healthcare financial managers’ role in helping their organizations prevent financial fraud. Retrieved from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m3257/is_n1_v51/ai_19146070.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Theory of Knowledge Essay †Philosophy
Theory of Knowledge Essay – Philosophy Free Online Research Papers Theory of Knowledge Essay Philosophy For over the millennia, philosophers have questioned whether knowledge exists and if we know anything at all. The product from uncertainty is the theory of knowledge. It is actually quite hard to define knowledge; the dictionary defines knowledge as general awareness or possession of information, facts, ideas, truths, or principles but philosophers define knowledge as a belief which is in agreement with the facts. A belief is generally defined as acceptance by the mind that something is true or real, often underpinned by an emotional or spiritual sense of certainty. The question is do we know what a fact is and what sort of parallel corresponds these two? This is the difference between â€Å"I am certain†and â€Å"it is certain†. When we say â€Å"I am certain†, we already know who the subject is: it is I. When we say â€Å"it is certain†, who or what is the subject? â€Å"I am certain†generally relates to a belief. You can be certain on something like â€Å"I am certain that I will win the race†but someone else may hold that to be false because they say the same thing. There is like tug-of-war between the two’s thoughts but whoever wins the war doesn’t mean their certainty is higher than anyone else’s belief. So who will win the race? What if someone else, who didn’t have that belief won, and then wouldn’t your belief be shattered? â€Å"I am certain†makes one feel better. It is mostly bias and are opinionated predictions based on numerous factors like emotion, spiritual sense, life experiences, etc. because the subject is I. Humans are known to be selfish and greedy throughout history. The degree of certainty is very low and therefore it is not trustworthy. What about â€Å"it is certain†? We don’t know who the subject is in this statement. ‘It’ could be anything from news to time. Depending on the subject and the statement proposed, the degree of certainty varies. If the subject was news, we couldn’t trust everything we read. When the Apollo 11 made the first landing on the moon in 1969, it was world news and everyone held that to be true for decades. In the middle of the 1990s, people started to question whether this was a hoax or not. When the bombing of the World Trade Center happened on September 11, 2001, there were photos and thousands of eyewitness accounts to reinforce the statement â€Å"it is certain†. We could be certain there is an attack on that day because eyewitness accounts exceed the numbers on the Apollo 11 mission by couple of thousand times. Therefore the level of certainty is higher. â€Å"It is certain†is based on factors like environment, eyewitness accou nts, evidence, etc. The level of certainty is higher than that of â€Å"I am certain†. Since fact is undefined at this point, what do we need for a knowledge claim to be held valid? Conviction is used by everyone everyday for a knowledge claim. Conviction also has a twist and turn and knowledge claims made by convictions changes over time. When teachers teach, they use their authority to implicate to the students that their teachings are true. Their authority is their conviction. Students will believe their teachers until they reached a new conclusion from something more convincing. Since absolute truth doesn’t exist in this dimension, we might as well believe anything that looks convincing to us. Nothing is fixed and doubt will always be with us. People will believe anything that looks convincing. For example, the landing on the moon looked convincing enough so people believed NASA but over the decades, their conviction was doubted and some people no longer held that to be valid. Accepting passionate, personal belief as knowledge is easy for oneself because the origin of the belief comes from you. For someone else to take in your personal beliefs, they consider many factors such as seriousness, possibility, levels of conviction, etc. first before accepting it. If someone says â€Å"I can eat five cheeseburgers for dinner†you may actually find that convincing because it is possible versus someone who says â€Å"I can eat fifty cheeseburgers†then you might not believe them. If someone were talking to you about their religion then you might find it hard to believe them because you have more faith in your own religion. Faith and self-confidence also play key roles in determining acceptations of personal beliefs. If someone has low self-confidence and little faith in their own beliefs, then they are more likely to believe someone else. If someone has strong faith and high self-esteem, then they have a strong barrier against invasion. Knowledge is still being researched and explored by many today. There are different levels of certainty for a belief. All beliefs are bias though and nothing in this world is pristine. People find something to be true if it looks convincing enough to them. Truth has many forms, but none in which we can see with our naked eye. Research Papers on Theory of Knowledge Essay - PhilosophyComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThree Concepts of PsychodynamicBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XTrailblazing by Eric AndersonMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalCapital PunishmentUnreasonable Searches and Seizures
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
SAT Superscore vs Score Choice Whats the Difference
SAT Superscore vs Score Choice What's the Difference SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You may know that the SAT offers both Superscoring and Score Choice, but do you know what separates the two? Much like a pair of dissimilarly flavored but equally delicious ice cream cones, each one benefits you, but in slightly different ways. In this article I will briefly go over what Superscoring and Score Choice entail and tell you what separates one from the other. What Is Superscoring? Superscoring is what many collegesdo with the SAT scores you submit with your application.They look at all the SAT scores you send,take your highest score from each test section, and combine those high scores from different test dates into a highest-possible composite score or superscore. The example below demonstrates how superscoring works if you choose to submit results from three different test dates. In the eyes of colleges that superscore, this student has a perfect score since he or she managed to get an 800 on each section at least once. Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Total Score Test 1 800 740 750 2290 Test 2 780 800 700 2280 Test 3 750 750 800 2300 Superscore 800 800 800 2400 Superscoring benefits colleges because it places them higher up in the rankings for average SAT scores of admitted students. It also benefits you because you get credit for your best scores from each section even if they happened at different times rather than being stuck with a composite score from one test. What Is Score Choice? Score choice is something that you'll need to consider before sending scores to colleges. It just meansyou can decide which SAT scores to send and which not to send. If you choose to send SAT scores from a certain test date, you can't pick and choose which sections to send - it's all or nothing.You'll have a choice of which test dates you want to send in the case of the regular SAT and your choice of which individual tests you want to send in the case of SAT subject tests. Most schools allow Score Choice, but some don’t, including Yale and Stanford. Make sure you check the websites of colleges where you're applying to verify that they allow Score Choice. Come on Yale, everyone knows you're not in Europe. Stop trying so hard. What Are the Important Differences Between Superscoring and Score Choice? You vs. Colleges With Score Choice, you're making a choice about which scores to send. The scores from test dates you choose not to send will never be seen by colleges that allow Score Choice.Only the scores you choose to send will be eligible for Superscoring by colleges that allow Score Choice. Some schools require you to send all your scores (no Score Choice) but also use Superscoring, so they will still only consider your best scores.Superscoring is something that you don’t need to worry about directly because schools do it automatically after you send your scores.It is, however, something that you should take into consideration when studying for and deciding when to take the SAT (more on this later). Whole SATs vs. Subscores If you use Score Choice to send your SAT scores from a certain test date,you have to send all of the section scores - you can’t cherry pick which ones you want colleges to see. In the case of Superscoring, however, the whole point is for colleges to extract your best individual section scores to create the best total score possible.Score Choice is the first filter that scores pass through in their composite form. Then, colleges thatsuperscore will choose the highest subscores from the SATs you send themto create your best score from bits and pieces of several different tests. What Does This Mean for You? It means that if you didn’t do as well as you hoped on one SAT, it’s not the end of the world.In most cases, you can choose not to send that score to colleges through Score Choice. Even if you do have to send it, you'll probably also send better scores from other test dates. The lower scores won’t even be considered by most schools if they use Superscoring. Here are some ways you might adapt your SAT strategy based on Score Choice and Superscoring: Practice Specific Studying Colleges that superscore will pick out your best section scores, which means you canfocus your studying solely on one section for a given test date.If you already took the SAT once and are satisfied with your score on one section but want to raise the second score, you can focus your studying entirely on the weaker section as you prepare for the next test date. You don’t need to worry about achieving a score that's the same or higher than your previous score on the other section because the highest scores for each section are the only ones that count. Don’t go overboard and leave sections of the test you've already conquered blank, but you can feel relaxed knowing thatit's not always necessary to shoot for your best composite score. You can just focus on getting your best score for a certain section! Take the Test More than Once This is something we advocate anyways, but knowing that Score Choice and Superscoring exist adds an extra incentive.Even if you don’t study much from one test to the next, your scores are likely to increase slightly. You can choose which tests to send with Score Choice, and colleges will use your highest subscores from those tests with Superscoring. That meanstaking the SAT at least two or three times is in your best interests. The only SAT scores that count, with the help of our good friends Score Choice and Superscoring! Summary Superscoring and Score Choice are two services that allow you to show colleges only your best SAT scores. Score Choice means you can decide which composite scores to send to colleges. If you took the test on three dates, you could choose to only send two of them if one score was a lot lower. Colleges then implement Superscoring, taking your best subscores from each section of the SAT and combining them to create your highest-possible composite score. Superscoring and Score Choice mean that you have an incentive to take the SAT more than once and to study for specific sections so you'll be able to maximize your results. Together, Superscoring and Score Choice make the SAT just a little less stressful! What's Next? Read this article to learn more about how SAT Superscoring helps you. Check out these articles if you're trying to figure out whether to take the SAT again or just want to know how many times you should take it in general. If you don't know your target score yet, use this guide to figure it out so you can get your studying started! Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
DISNEY MARKETING NUTRITION TO CHILDREN - Case Study Example esity among children in the United States and Europe due to eating fast food that are produced and sold at Disney theme parks and outlets (Bell & Winig, 2009). It was gathered from the case study that more than 65% of Americans are obese and similar trend has been observed in children as well. From studies, it was found that a majority of the advertisements that are aired for influencing children are related to high calorie and fat food items such as, candy, soft drinks, fries and other fast food and sweetened cereals. It was also noticed that when a certain food was endorsed using cartoon characters, children insisted on purchasing those, more for the character than the food. Researches revealed that there was a huge gap between preference of parents and that of children regarding the nature of food. Children preferred eating those foods that their peers preferred, while mothers selected nutritious food for them. The case study also suggests that initially, when Disney sold food and beverages in their entertainment parks and outlets, they had only considered enjoyment entailed with the eatables over the nutrition factor. Therefore, their eatables included ice cream, candy, pizza and pasta. According to Disney, they related food as a lifestyle over a source of nutrition prior to the criticisms (Bell & Winig, 2009). People buy or consume fast food because these food items look attractive and taste good. Moreover, fast food is available at a reasonable cost while the volume is comparatively high. The company can introduce servings of salads and fruits along with basic meal. Introduction of salad along with high calorie meal will help in adding nutrition along with satisfying their taste buds. The company replaces its fast food products with healthier whole meal choices but with reduced variety. On a small scale production, it will be expensive, but if the company integrates suppliers and farmers from different parts of the world who are involved in fresh produce,
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