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Ad-Comm Group “Whitebookâ€Â: Cross-Marketing Platform for Luxury Brands in Japan Essay
1. What is a Whitebook? What role(s) does it play in the Marketing system of Ad-comm’s customer organizations? Answers 15 lines most ...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
How Hereditary And Environment Has Affected The People...
This environment has composition of several aspects and these aspects are cordially interdependent with environment and heredity, as well as this is coming from the evolution eras and the concept of heredity is the basic model of this effective and eminent source of heredity in chronological order. . Although hereditary environment has always been a deciding factor in determining our future, yet majority of us hardly even bothered to look over these factors. In this assignment I am trying to develop my understanding about how hereditary environment has affected the people around me and referring to some journals in order to highlight the theoretical part as well. I have tried to draw a conclusion based on my personal and professional experience. Defining Hereditary Introduction and meaning Heredity is one of the powerful factors that contribute to the formation of human personality. It influences man’s social behavior too too. It is through the process of heredity that children normally get some of the physical and psychological characteristics of their parents. Heredity refers to the biological process of transmission of certain biological and psychological characteristics from parents to their children through what are known as genes. Human society is not only dynamic but also diverse. Differences are found between societies and between societies and within the same society among the peoples and groups. In fact, society is based on the principle of difference.Show MoreRelatedThe First Theory Of Development1659 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"stages†to conquer. When we are first born as infants we must battle trust versus mistrust. This was especially relevant in my life as a child because I did not like to be held by other people other than my parents. The re are several home videos of me hiding behind my mom, dad, or other close family members. This impacted me through the next stages of my development, and I feel is still a major reason why I am so shy and introverted. Erikson would point out that perhaps I had some occurrence of a bad timeRead MoreThe Debate Of Nature V. Nurture1688 Words  | 7 Pagesof a controversial sociological topic is the debate of nature v. nurture. This debate has been going on for a very long time, and it really depends on who you talk to about it. What nature v. nurture refers to is that you are either the person you are because of heredity, or you are who you are because of society and are thus, a product of your environment. People s experiences and own personal findings affect how they see this particular subject matter. If you were to ask John Locke, he would tellRead MoreNature Vs Nurture : Nature Versus Nurture1360 Words  | 6 Pagesnurture is a complicated subject to speak about. If oneâ₠¬â„¢s abilities or lack of are due to their environment or their genes. For example, a child is behaving negatively in class. Many individuals are quick to jump to the conclusion that â€Å"Oh, that kid’s parents don’t care, or just don’t know how to raise their child.†That could very well be a possibility, but most people never think that maybe they have a hereditary problem, such as ADHD, that was passed on to the child. This cannot be helped by the childRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture Essay1612 Words  | 7 Pagesindividual are hereditary, for instance; gender, disease, height, eye color, natural talent for an activity, and many more. Nurture can be defined as various environmental factors that a person is exposed to, which can influence how a person develops. Nurture affects an individual’s growth through multiple ways such as: stressors, activities, intellect and experiences, physically, emotionally, and socially through peers. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Critical Reflection The Euthanasia Debate - 1652 Words
Critical Reflection: The Euthanasia Debate Medical advancements and improved living conditions worldwide have increased the life span of our population (U.S. Department of State, 2015). As a result, many individuals are now living with degenerative or chronic ailments that require increased support (Vissers et al., 2013). Unfortunately, these illnesses often come with a â€Å"diminished quality of life†(Butler, Tiedemann, Nicol, Valiquet, 2013). These issues have brought forth the euthanasia debate, which poses the question, â€Å"Should an individual have the right to choose to die?†In February 2015, in the case of Carter v. Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada declared that physician-assisted suicide will be legal for a â€Å"competent person who (1) clearly consents to the termination of life and (2) has a grievous and irremediable medical condition†¦that causes enduring suffering that is intolerable to the individual in the circumstances of his or her condition†(Canadian Nurses Protective Society, 2015, p.23). This ruling will come into effect February 6, 2016, if the federal government does not take action against it (Canadian Nurses Protective Society, 2015). Despite this decision, the controversy on this practice remains high, leading to ethical distress among health care workers and patients alike (Butler et al., 2013). This paper will explore this issue, using Carper’s â€Å"ways of knowing,†and in doing so, will suggest implications for future practice. Analysis In 1978, CarperShow MoreRelatedEssay about Euthanasia1510 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Euthanasia continues to be a subject of ethical debate. It is defined as the administration of lethal drugs by someone other than the person concerned with the explicit intention of ending a patient’s life, at the latter’s explicit request (Quaghebeur, de Casterle, Gastmans, 2009). An unprecedented number of people in the United States today live well into their late adult years. Improved medical and public health practices, increasing life expectancies, and the â€Å"graying†of theRead MoreEuthanasia And Abortion With Non Christians1659 Words  | 7 Pagesinterest of all involved. However, in the midst of these decisions, and the great debates that exist in regards to abortion and euthanasia, are some omitted from the discussions? Are the fundamental rights of the unborn considered or are they shoved aside for the sake of the well-being of the mother? Is the individual facing end-of life forced into an early death so as not to inconvenience to the caretaker? This reflections that follow will consider the involvement of God in human life from creation andRead MoreEthical Dilemmas for Nurses on End of Life Issues5633 Words  | 23 PagesBASED ON CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS HELD IN ELDORET, KENYA Author: Kamau S. Macharia: BScN (Moi), MSc (studying) Nursing Leadership Health Care Systems Management (University of Colorado, Denver), Higher Dip. Critical Care Nursing (Nbi). Graduate Assistant, School of Nursing Biomedical Sciences, Kabianga University College (A Constituent College of Moi University), . P 0 Box 2030 20200 Kericho, Kenya , Tel +254 722224577, Email: symomash@gmail.com Read MoreWhat is ‘legal consciousness’? How can a consideration of ‘legal consciousness’ assist in analyzing the relationship between law, society and individuals? Draw on contemporary and historical examples to illustrate your discussion.1765 Words  | 8 Pagesgroup and individual level. It is my strong belief, that through critical reflection of our legal consciousness, we are empowered with the ability to influence and analyze the role of law and its effectiveness within society. Legal consciousness is both a form of scrutiny and a device of law. It is the basis for the formation of opinions on some of the more difficult ethical or moral questions posed, such as; abortion and euthanasia. Abortion in Australia has been a highly contested topic, the lawRead MorePhysician-Assisted Suicide and Psychology Essay example1246 Words  | 5 PagesWashington and Oregon who have legalized Physician-Assistant Suicide. However, under the Washington and Oregon Death with Dignity Acts the term has been coined, â€Å"physician aid-in-dying (Chin, Hedberg, Higginson, Fleming, 1999).†There have been much debate over what words to use but all seems to agree that it depends on how you feel about this issue and what side of the case you are on (Chin, Hedberg, Higginson, Fleming, 1999). For those who want to use the term â€Å"physician-assisted suicide,†theyRead More The Terri Schindler-Schiavo Case Essay5755 Words  | 24 Pagesunderstanding of the terminology employed in that communicative act. As articulated in the Episcopal Report, â€Å"It is vital to give †¦ â€Å"euthanasia†as precise a meaning as we can, for clear definitions are essential to moral discourse†(Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia 1997, p. 11). If you were to consult Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary for a definition of euthanasia you would find the following entry: 1. Also called mercy killing, the act of putting to death painlessly a person sufferingRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility10163 Words  | 41 Pagesmust work in tandem or there is no purpose for any of its existence. Unethical practices are what harbor ill will and create a climate of contempt and distrust, which is no way to run a business, be it personal or otherwise. Â…It is a necessary and critical ingredient in the successful enterprise (Ruin, 1997, p. PG). Beauchamp et al (1996) clearly imply that establishing such ethical fortitude is not a difficult objective if one maintains a moral and conscientious outlook. Ethical concerns run rampantRead MoreFaithful Citizenship10006 Words  | 41 Pages9PART I Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: The U.S. Bishops’ Reflection on Catholic Teaching and Political Life Introduction 1. As a nation, we share many blessings and strengths, including a tradition of religious freedom and political participation. However, as a people, we face serious challenges that are clearly political and also profoundly moral. 2. We are a nation founded on â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,†but the right to life itself is not fully protected, especiallyRead MoreGraduate Level Capstone Paper: Use of Strategic Knowledge and Critical Thinking to Solve Problems4733 Words  | 19 PagesKnowledge and Critical Thinking to Solve Problems Abstract In the business world, there are many issues that are vital to success. Understanding a combination of those issues is best, but even focusing on one or more to the detriment of the others can damage the way a person thinks about the business world and how he or she interacts with that world. The further one moves up in education, the more one learns about the value of these various areas of the business world, which include critical thinkingRead More moral Essay3440 Words  | 14 Pagesyears. The results showed spectacular correlation’s for test re-test for reliability with impressive internal consistency with correlations being provided by Gibbs and Widammon (1982) Snavey, Reimer and Nisau (1982) and Walter (1980, 1983) on reflections of the study. This would support the validation of Kohlberg’s new scoring system. Education and Application Kohlberg’s work in curriculum education began eight years after the completion of his doctoral dissertation when he published his
Sunday, December 8, 2019
How to ensure suitability of equipment for children free essay sample
Providers must take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of children, staff and others on the premises In the case of fire or ny other emergency, and must have an emergency evacuation procedure, Providers must have appropriate fire detection and control equipment (for example, fire alarms, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers) which is in working order. Fire exits must be clearly Identifiable, and fire doors must be free of obstruction and easily opened from the inside. In order to comply with the suitability and the safety of equipment for children in a childcare setting and to adhere to the guidelines set out by Ofsted the best way to ascertain these factors is to refer to the types of symbols that appear on childrens oys equipment. The following symbols and an overview of what they mean are outlined below; 1) The CE mark Is a mandatory conformity and has been In effect since 1990 In the Of3 European Union (ELI) market. The EN71 toy safety standard test is similar to the ASTM F963. The toys comply with the essential requirements of the relevant European health, safety and environmental protection legislation. All toys that carry this mark are phthalate free and a strict limit of lead content has to be met. The 0-3 symbol needs to be added to CE mark, if there are small parts or other characteristic hat are unsuitable for children less than 3 years. Examples of where this symbol would be found would mainly be on childrens toys. 2) The Lion in the Triangle is a symbol of safety and quality, backed by a Code of Practice and developed by the British Toy Hobby Association (BTHA) in 1988. Toys bearing the Lion Mark have been made to the highest standards currently in force in Britain and the European Community (BS 5665/BS EN 71). It is a symbol of toy safety and quality for the consumer. The Lion Mark indicates that the toy has been made by a member of the British Toy Hobby Association and therefore denotes the members commitment to adhere to the BTHA Code of Practice which includes rules covering ethical and safe manufacture of toys, a ban on any counterfeit goods, an assurance to market responsibly, a commitment to improving sustainability and a desire to promote the value of all play. Unlike the CE Mark, therefore, the Lion Mark is truly a consumer symbol. It means that consumers can be assured that a toy which bears the Lion Mark has been made by a member who believes in making good quality, safe toys. Examples of where this symbol would be found would mainly be on childrens toys. 3) The British Standards Institution (BSI) is responsible for awarding the Kite mark symbol to all kinds of products, services and processes but whilst the logo is highly recognisable, few toy consumers really know what it means. The BSI describes the Kite mark as the worlds premier symbol of trust, integrity and quality. The little black and white Kite mark logo which is made up of the letters B and S is awarded to all kinds of products (not Just toys) following intensive, independent testing at the BSI Product Services HQ in Hemel Hempstead. First introduced in 1903, the Kite mark is the best known and respected mark of quality in the I-JK, and has been regularly voted as a UK Business Super brand. Considered a sign of reliability and safety, the British Standards Kite mark can actually be a key differentiator between one company and the next. The voluntary scheme is often entered by companies that wish to reassure their customers that they have satisfied the most rigorous of quality processes. In the case of nursery and outdoor play equipment, it can actually be very armful to not have the Kite mark symbol displayed on your products since this is an entry-level requirement for many local authorities when sourcing these products. ) The crossed-out Waste Bin symbol can be found on batteries and toys using batteries. From September 26, 2008 every battery or product using batteries must be marked with the crossed-out wheeled waste bin symbol. In addition, a marking with the chemical symbol (Hg, Cd, Pb) is required for batteries containing more than O, 0005% mercury (Hg), more than cadmium (Cd) and/or more than lead (Pb). This type of mark would generally be found on toys using bat teries. Other age suggestions on toys and games are for guidance only usually when you are purchasing for a certain age group- they do NOT advise on the safety of the contents. BS numbers are often printed onto equipment and furniture to show that they are approved to British Safety Standards. These cover a wide range of equipment from glass in coffee tables to DVD players to nursery furniture. Suitable websites such as baby mattresses online have a useful and concise listing of relevant BS numbers for nursery items. Obviously, it is important to remember in a home based childcare setting that not nly is it important to ensure that equipment is suitable for children , it is equally important that a procedure is put in place to ensure the continued safety suitability of such equipment. The most effective way to ensure this would be to; Carry out regular risk assessments on each room/area Have a daily on-going checklist Have a toy/age suitability list in place All of the above would be deemed as good practice in a childcare setting and evidence of such would be adequate in satisfying Ofsteds standards with regards to provision of equipment.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Great Gatsby A World of Color Essay Example
The Great Gatsby A World of Color Essay Being rich does not me you are rich. In our world that is abundant with color, we as a society have become dull and do not notice the beauty in our creations. In The Great Gatsby, the characters are wealthy to no extent, but lack the sense of wealthy-ness in their body, soul, and mind and they cannot find a sense of happiness in anything. The input of color in The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald is extravagant to say the least. Fitzgerald’s use of color is ample throughout the novel. The many colors used in the novel are meant to express emotions of the characters and convey the feeling of a scene. In this particular work of literature, the color green is used to symbolize hope. This quote shows the hope that Gatsby has for his relationship between Daisy and himself, â€Å"You always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock.’ Daisy put her arm through his abruptly, but seemed absorbed in what he had just said. Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever†(Fitzgerald 92-93). In The Great Gatsby, the green light at the end of Daisy and Tom Buchanan’s dock symbolizes the hope that Gatsby still has to reunite Daisy and himself. Gatsby is still in love with Daisy and everything he does is to try to impress her. He knows that Daisy lives directly across the bay from his house which is the reason he moved into that house. Gatsby yearns for Daisy’s love and affection once again and reaches towards the green light at the end of the dock which shows his hope, â€Å"he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling†(Fitzgerald 20-21). We will write a custom essay sample on The Great Gatsby A World of Color specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Great Gatsby A World of Color specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Great Gatsby A World of Color specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Fitzgerald uses the clock to symbolize money, and more importantly, the desire Gatsby has to stop time; or rather to return to a time once lost. Ever since Gatsby had first met Daisy, he has tried desperately to become wealthy and be a go
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